If you look at what you have in life, you’ll always have more. If you look at what you don’t have in life, you’ll never have enough. —Oprah Winfrey

What exactly is the Law of Attraction (LOA)?  For those of you who have never heard of the Law of Attraction the basic premise is that Like Attracts Like.  The fundamental concepts of the LOA are theoretical and scientific in nature.  Basically, we are all energy.

The LOA is being used widely across the internet by authors, self-help gurus and even dating experts.  Personally, I believe in the LOA. But, you have to be able to truly understand how it works AND be able to implement it or you will not attract the things that you want.

Ralph Trine wrote in In Tune With The Infinite (1897):

The law of attraction works universally on every plane of action, and we attract whatever we desire or expect. If we desire one thing and expect another, we become like houses divided against themselves, which are quickly brought to desolation. Determine resolutely to expect only what you desire, then you will attract only what you wish for

Behind the Law of Attraction

Although it sounds very simple and easy to accomplish it really isn’t at the outset.  Many people mistakenly believe that you just write something down or think about it and it magically, mysteriously appears in your life.  It doesn’t work this way.

If you are someone who believes that life happens to you then you will never manifest anything positive.  For example, if you think, “if only my partner would be kind to me everything would be okay” or “if only I could win the lottery” or “if only I was x, y or z then my life would be great”.

If you believe you have no control over your life, your financial situation or your relationships then you will never manifest anything positive.  If you let others dictate how you feel about yourself or fail to believe in your own power and your own unique gifts then you will stay stuck exactly where you are.

For example, my last two boyfriends were emotionally unavailable and unable to truly commit to me.  Why did I choose them?  They came into my universe because I was unable to love and commit to myself.  They were an outward manifestation of my internal beliefs about myself.

So, when my last boyfriend and I broke up I didn’t say, “Well, he’s just a jerk and I can find someone better” I said, “What is it in me that I attracted this person and what do I need to change”?  If you want to attract a healthy person you have to BE a healthy person.


There are so many ways to apply the LOA, but the core principles are the same for each one.  Here are the top three that I have dealt with.   What many people may not understand is that the LOA is also tied into limiting beliefs and negative subconscious patterns.

If you sit around and THINK I deserve money. I deserve happiness. I deserve a great relationship but you do not truly believe it deep down inside you will continue to repeat the same patterns and you will not attract that which you truly desire.

Think of the LOA as a vibrational energy that keeps going up and up and up, like a cyclone.  Cyclones are very small at the base, but as they grow they extend and they become more and more powerful.  The way you think and the beliefs you hold are exactly like that.

The more you can change your core beliefs from negative to positive the higher your energy goes and the more it increases and the more positive things you attract into your life.  If you stay negative, if you stay stuck or if you hang onto your limiting beliefs your energy stays on the same plane and you stay right where you are.


What do you want?  I think most of us want a partner who loves and accepts us for who we truly are.  Someone who will be there for us and thinks our flaws and imperfections are actually kind of cool, even if irritating at times.  Hell, I irritate myself sometimes.

But, if you want a great relationship and someone who loves you then you have to love yourself first.  You can’t just manifest a great partner if you have negative beliefs about yourself no matter how many time you say it out loud or write it on a piece of paper.

Once you change your energetic vibe things start to shift.   I’m not saying Prince Charming will magically show up at your door with a glass slipper.  People will still come into your life to test you, but you will not be drawn to them like before and you will recognize your patterns and shut them out of your life quickly.

The more you shut out the partners that aren’t right for you the more you will slowly attract healthier, happier more well suited partners who can actually love you the way you need to be loved.


If you are unhappy with your financial situation and you want more then you have to think in abundance and not scarcity.  Most people think they can manifest money by just thinking “I desire this or that”.  Again, it doesn’t work that way.

If you have limiting beliefs that keep you stuck then you can think positive thoughts all you want but financial freedom isn’t coming into your life anytime soon.

For example, when I was growing up I was subconsciously taught that the only way to make money was to slave away in a 9-5 type job.  Although money was never a problem in my house growing up my parents taught me to fear being an entrepreneur.  This type of work was not anywhere on their radar.

I came to realize that I had negative blocks about my ability to earn money and be secure.  I had to change my subconscious belief that I had to work for someone else and I had to be a corporate/government slave in order to survive.

I’m still working on it, but I have changed my beliefs to “I can survive on my own” and “I will be fine” and “I am creative and hard-working and there is no reason I can’t be financially successful”.

Until you let go of the fears or the scarcity mindset that you have regarding money you will remain in the same financial situation and nothing will change.  There are a few books out on the subject such as Think Rich, Grow Rich and The Millionaire Mindset.


Many of us are stuck in careers we hate.  We get up every day and we go to work just to pay the bills.  Is this any way to live? No, it isn’t.  If you want to manifest a new career then start with believing that you can.

What are your dreams?  Granted, there are some things you can’t do no matter what.  For example, if you are sixty years old then you can’t join the military.  Or, if you are in a wheelchair you aren’t going to become starting quarterback for the Forty-Niners.  But, you can still find your passion and change careers and do something that makes you happy no matter your age, your disability, your gender or your financial situation.  If there’s a will there’s a way.

If you want to manifest a new career or even a new job or a raise then you can do it.  Rid yourself of all negative thoughts that say why you can’t do it.  Start replacing your thoughts with “I can” and “I will” and “When I get that job”.

To bring positive change into your life you have to not just THINK positive change, but BELIEVE in positive change.  If you tell yourself that you aren’t smart enough or you don’t have the skills or you can’t be successful like other people then you won’t be.  If any of these thoughts lurk in the dusty corners of your mind you must get rid of them.

What Do You Want To Attract?

So, what is it that you want to attract?  Whatever you want you can have.  But, one little caveat to remember.  The universe does not always give us what we want when we want it.  Remain open to getting “this or better” and remain open to your dreams coming in a different package and in a different form than what you thought they would be.

Maybe you wanted THAT person or THAT job or THAT car.  Do not be tied to things or people or specific outcomes.  The Law of Attraction works on energy and not on specifics.  Yes, you can get what you desire, but you may be surprised at how it shows up.

Keep your mind and your beliefs open to all possibilities.