Are you getting over a terrible break-up?  Do you feel like you’re stuck but you want to move on? Do you worry that you’ll be single forever?

Do you sit home crying every night?  Are your friends all sick of hearing about your break-up, but you don’t know where to go or how to cope?  Do you feel like everything you did was wrong and you blame yourself?  Are you stuck hoping things will magically change someohow?

Do you want to recognize why your relationship failed so you don’t make the same mistakes again?  Do you want to become your best self so you can attract an amazing, attentive, compatible man?

I can tell you I’ve been where you are now. I’ve gone through this myself (6 times, yes six) and I’ve created a formula that I think works.  This book isn’t for everyone.  If you aren’t willing to look inside and do the deep work, then don’t bother. If you aren’t ready to take the necessary steps and do the exercises (which can be painful at times) then stop right here.

But, if you are ready and if you believe that you need to resolve the issues from your past relationship(s) so you don’t make the same mistakes again and waste more of your life on the wrong guy, then this book is for you.

Click here to grab a copy of my book UnBreak Your Heart-The Ultimate Guide to Getting Over Your Ex

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Are you going through a terrible break-up?  Do you feel like you’ve lost the love of your life and you aren’t ready to give up yet? Is your heart breaking minute by minute and you don’t know how to cope or what you should do? Do you feel like your heart is in tatters and it will never mend itself?

Do you sit home crying every night and find it difficult to concentrate at work or function during the day?  Are your friends all sick of hearing about your break-up, but you don’t know where to go or how to cope?

Do you want another chance with your ex because you have unresolved issues or a connection that you think deserves another chance?

Whatever the reason, you want your EX BACK! To be honest, I’ve gone through this myself (6 times, yes six) and I’ve gotten every ex back.  Personally, I believe there is a right way and a wrong way to go about it. I’m here to teach you the right way. Are you ready?

If so, grab a copy of my book Get Your Ex Back Without The Games

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Are you frustrated with dating or relationships?  Are you tired of going all in only to be disappointed?  Are you sick of being ghosted? Do you get all excited about a guy or girl online only to find out they weren’t all that interested but it seemed like they were?  Do you keep choosing the wrong person only to be hurt by their inability to commit?

Do you think the world is full of flakes, losers and users?  Have you almost given up hope, but secretly want to find that right person and fall madly in love and make it last?

Maybe it seems like a lost cause, but I’m here to tell you its not.  You can find love.  You can find happiness. You can find the right partner, but you might need to do some soul searching first and that’s why I wrote this book.

So, if you really want to find the right person then check out my book 5 Secrets to Finding Your Perfect Partner

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Are You Tired of Feeling Inadequate, Insecure and Unsure in Your Relationships?  Are you constantly worrying that your partner will leave you?Does the anxiety you feel when they don’t respond to a text or call right away lead you to act crazy or feel bad about yourself?

If so, I get it. That’s been me. I know how you feel. I broke up with my current boyfriend once because he didn’t text me for three days. Not only did I break up with him I sent a crazy text saying, “Don’t ever call me again.”

Stupid, right? It didn’t feel like it at the time. I thought I was “protecting myself.” What I was really doing was closing the door to love and creating distance due to my inherent fear of being rejected.

So, after realizing my Insecure Attachment disorder was running my life I did a ton of reading and work on myself and I came up with a better way to function in the world and in my relationship and here we are a year and a half later and we’re living together and despite some ups and downs we continue to grow closer.

But, how does this help you?

I decided to write my own book on the subject. It’s called  Are You Insecure In Relationships? – Here’s the Reason Why & How to Fix It 

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If you’re in a toxic relationship you might want to start out by reading my post- Are You Dating a Narcissist or a Sociopath?

Not everyone who is toxic is a narcissist or a sociopath. Some people are good people but have toxic behaviors and if you don’t have good boundaries or sufficient self love you can fall prey to their abuse.

How do I know this?  Because I was in a toxic relationship.  It started out normally like any other relationship.  I didn’t even realize it was abusive until I was nearly two years in. I’m not sure why but one day it dawned on me that he was completely emotionally abusive and I had let him tear me down little by little.

I was one of those girls who had super low self esteem and if you have low self-esteem manipulators will naturally gravitate towards you.

But, you don’t have to stay stuck. You don’t have to stay with someone who treats you like a piece of dirt.  I wrote this book based on my two and a half year massively toxic relationship.  Through the book you will learn how to define a toxic relationship and how to get out.  Why not start today?  Grab a copy of my book How to Escape a Toxic Relationship.

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Are you and your love living in different cities, states or even countries?  Do you wonder what they’re doing when you’re not around?  Do you end up fighting every time you talk instead of laughing or getting along?

Do you think he doesn’t care if he isn’t texting enough?  Do you think she’s cheating if she doesn’t respond to you right away?  Are you finding it difficult to keep the relationship going and wonder if you should break up?

If so, I understand. I’ve had two long distance relationships. One lived in another country and my current boyfriend is deployed so often that even though we live together we face the same challenges as a long distance couple

Long Distance relationships can be super hard.  Keeping an emotional connection going when you’re so far away from each other can test your strength and make you question whether you want to keep going.

Have you considered whether a long distance relationship is really right for you?  If  it is, do you know how to keep the fires going so you don’t drift apart?

If you’re unsure, then check out my e-book Will Your Long Distance Relationship Work for answers, tips, tools and strategies. Long distance doesn’t have to mean the death of your relationship.

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Some days you just need a little pick-me-up, I know I do.  Often, we spend our lives complaining about the things we don’t have.  Our clothes aren’t nice enough, our car is not as new as we would like, why don’t I have money for the latest i-phone or going out to eat or traveling.  We forget that life is made up of moments and when we die we won’t remember all the things we accumulated, but we’ll remember the simple things and the simple times.  This book is meant to remind you.

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