Does your partner make you a priority? Do you find yourself constantly seeking reassurance or worry that your partner will leave or cheat? Do you feel like you aren’t good enough? Do you meet someone who seems like a perfect match only to be disappointed soon into the relationship?
Do you always pick guys who cheat or lie? Are you attracted to women who use you or are emotional basket cases?
If so, there’s a reason for this. We all choose (it’s called chemistry) someone who is a mirror of our emotional health. If you end up with someone you never makes you a priority it’s usually because you don’t make yourself a priority to you. It means you push your needs to the side because it’s your normal, even if you know it isn’t what you want.
Don’t get me wrong, there is nothing wrong with struggle and there is nothing wrong with choosing the wrong person. We choose incorrectly because we are doing the best we can with what we have at the time.
But, there are ways to make changes within yourself and to improve your “Partner Picker” and learn from your mistakes instead of making the same ones over and over again.
I’m here to share what I’ve learned about choosing the wrong partner (over and over), how each relationship taught me something about myself and how you can use these same insights to improve your current relationship or attract a better mate.
If you want to be happy in your relationship instead of frustrated, disappointed and irritated then click below to get your copy of 5 Secrets to Finding Your Perfect Partner and a bonus workbook for only $9.97
Only $9.97 (7 Day Money Back Guarantee)

You want to figure out why you repeat patterns
You want to understand why you struggle in relationships
You want to learn new tools to help you break down your walls and change your patterns
You want to face your fears and insecurities so you can find true love
Exercises & Workbook Included!
What’s Covered In This Book
Getting to the root of your negative beliefs about the world and about dating that are keeping you stuck
Knowing why the person you chose is in your life and how knowing this will help you in the future
How to figure out what you need and want in a relationship.
How to get to the point where you can decide you want and deserve to be happy
Understanding your subconscious beliefs that factor into your selection of a mate
Tools to help you gain insight into your past relationships so you can choose better next time
I write every book from my personal experiences in the hopes of helping others avoid some of the pitfalls and pain I went through in all of my relationships. You can create the life you always imagined. You can find the person you always dreamed you would. The first step starts with you, so when you’re ready let’s begin!
To help and support others who have been through trauma, sexual or emotional abuse through writing, coaching and sharing my story.
I believe in Change. I believe in Life. I believe in Love. I also believe everyone has their own journey and its your job to chart your own course. Knowledge will never hurt you and listening to others who have been where you are now can help guide you in a new direction. I hope I can do this for you.
This blog is a place for personal development and self-awareness. You will never be judged or put down because you’re not where you want to be or where you think you should be. Life is a journey and a journey starts with a single step. Why not start here?